Emerging Innovation: Breast Cancer detection By Breathe Test, a CRDS Technology
Breathe BioMedical Inc. is a pioneering company in the field of medical technology, dedicated to the innovation of a breath test that serves as a supplementary tool alongside mammography screening. This test aims to facilitate the early detection of breast cancer in women who possess dense breast tissue. The process of breath analytics encompasses the gathering, processing, and examination of breath samples to uncover biomarker patterns that are indicative of specific medical conditions. The company is in the process of developing a proprietary, comprehensive breath analytics platform, which is intended to support breath testing for disease identification.
The platform technology integrates three sophisticated methodologies to effectively sample, digitize, and analyze breath, thereby holding the promise of identifying various diseases. Central to this technology is the spectrometer, which employs Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to accurately measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in breath samples collected via the SohnoXB breath sampler device. This spectrometer is engineered for rapid performance, enabling the analysis of samples at concentrations as low as parts-per-trillion, thus enhancing the potential for early disease detection.
What a Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy is ?
Spectroscopy is an analytical technique used in a number of scientific fields and subdisciplines. How can we analyze the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation to include how atoms and molecules can arrange to each other? One of the most important and delicate methods that is used in spectroscopy is Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). One of the spotlighting features for CRDS is a high sensitivity and accordingly high degree of measured value accuracy and a very wide regime of interferences, which makes it possible to apply this method for trace gas detection and environmental monitoring. In this article, readers will be introduced to the basic concept of CRDS, the superiorities of this method, and the extended uses.
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy therefore is a laser based system which determines the ring down time of light confined in a cavity with high Q factor. The value of decay time depends on the amount of light being absorbed by the molecules present in the cavity, thus it can only give information concerning the concentration of a given component. A simplified version of the CRDS setup has two high reflective mirrors placed parallel to each other with a small distance between them. An initial laser beam is imposed into the cavity and reflected back and forth between the mirrors with the formation of a standing wave of high amplitude. Due to the significant absorption of light that occurs in the cavity as well as scattering by the sample molecules, the standing wave erodes. It refers to the ability of quantifying the concentration of the target molecule based on the decay time that is taken by the chemical species. The decay time can be measured using two different methods: called the Time-Domain CRDS (TD-CRDS) and the Wavelength-Domain CRDS (WD-CRDS). In TD-CRDS the transmitted light intensity is recorded for time, whereas in WD-CRDS the frequency of the injected laser light is swept through a particular range and the phase shift of the reflected light is measured.
Future Impact and Benefits.
A number of cancers have been known to affect women across the world, and breast cancer is ranked among them; hence early screening is important in efforts to improve survival and good health among patients. In recent years, research has made great progress in creating screening techniques that can help determine if a person has the disease at an early stage; one of these tests is the Breath Test with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). It is non-invasive, painless, quick and relatively inexpensive, and has several advantages for early breast cancer detection. The Breath Test with CRDS is effective through the detection of VOCs in breath samples of the patients as products of cancer cells. These VOCs are analyzed by CRDS, a sophisticated spectroscopic method that analyzes the absorption of photons in a cavity. The outcome is a quantitative composition of the breath sample’s VOCs to be compared with baseline data of VOCs associated with cancer so as to detect possible breast cancer cases.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of using Breath Test with CRDS is that be could identify breast cancer at initial stages when symptoms have not fully developed. When one is diagnosed early, he or she gets the required treatment instantly, hence better results because the outcome is considerably improved. In addition, since the development of breast cancer can be easily detected at an early stage, there will be a decrease in the cases where there will be the necessity to perform a biopsy or remove the tumor surgically, which always has complications and a long recovery time. In addition to it, Breath Test with CRDS is a less invasive test, as opposed to other diagnostic tests; such as mammography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), thus making it easier and more comfortable for patients. Invasive screening procedures cause pain and anxiety, and this results in patients fear the procedures, which ‘put them off’ and delays detection. The Breath Test with CRDS does not raises such issues and thus proves to be a better contrary which may attract women who remain reluctant about receiving mass cancer screenings.
Besides, the Breath Test with CRDS is invasive-free together with having great accuracy in the detection of early-stage breast cancer with a high sensitivity and specificity. High specificity also means that patient diagnosis is precise with little risk of a patient being indicated to have a disease when in fact he or she does not or having a diagnosis that does not require further testing or invasive procedures. In addition, the test is normal to be incorporated into an ordinary check-up hence patients with potential threats to develop breast cancer can be constantly monitored. One of the major strengths is, therefore, the cost-efficiency of the Breath Test with CRDS as a diagnostic tool since timely detection of such conditions through implementation of a simple non-invasive method will relieve the sufferer from more serious conditions and expenses in their future treatment. That is, it is possible to detect breast cancer before it has developed to the stage requiring expensive and aggressive treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery. Also, the Breath Test with CRDS is convenient to perform in primary care offices expanding the availability of a potentially lifesaving breast cancer diagnostic tool and decreasing the cost of breast cancer screening.
All in all, the Breath Test with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy has large advantages in fact of effective detection of breast cancer at the early stage. Since it is an invasive-free method, very accurate, cheaper, and more efficient in detecting the disease in its early stage as compared to the other current screening methods. It is therefore important that the Breath Test with CRDS by Breathe BioMedical Inc. be integrated into conventional practice, and this would go a long way in enhancing patients’ lives, check the costs of universal health care and enhance humanity’s battle against this dreaded ailment[breast cancer].