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Augmented Reality And Future Healthcare Facilities

Augmented Reality And Future Healthcare Facilities


AR has quickly entered the scene in the last decade becoming a popular tool in the industries with an ability to change how we experience reality. Due to its ability to improve user interfaces, productivity, and spur technological advancements it has firmly placed itself in the realm of emerging technologies. It is the healthcare sector that is standing on the precipice of reaping significant returns from everything that AR can offer. With the use of augmented reality in the healthcare systems, the possibilities have expanded from enhanced learning for the medical field and enhanced results for patients. This blog will explore the different sectors that will benefit from using AR in healthcare to understand the potential of the technology to revolutionize the sector.

1. Pre-operative Planning Vitual Surgery

Augmented reality was used in its most revolutionary area in a healthcare setting in virtual surgical planning and preparation. Of particular interest to this discussion is the way through which AR technology allows surgeons to map out, model and rehearse intricate surgical procedures, all before actually performing the real surgeries. This also enable specific visualization of shapes and form of the patient’s body as well as richness of the method thus minimizing chances of surgical negligence and consequently improving patients’ safety.

Augmented Reality and future Healthcare
Augmented Reality and future Healthcare

AR makes much more sense explaining it in terms of its capabilities since it can offer a level of visualization and interactivity that a simple set of 2D images for a model cannot even imagine. Surgeons can retouch the model and communicate with it concerning the positioning and orientation of specific body part in the operating theater, both in overall view and in stereoscopic view of the area of the surgery. As a result, they have the ability to correctly choose various zones in the surgical space and take an appropriate action in the operation.

In addition, AR helps the surgeon to work with other specialists; however, time and space constraints are no longer a bar to sharing information. This not only facilitates the work of a surgeon but helps also to make the surgical process deeper and more valuable for a patient.

2. Healthcare Training and Development

Technology is playing an important role in medical training and education and among those technologies the use of augmented reality is seen as a significant advancement. AR can be used to simulate risky procedure with a virtual patient medical students and residents can practice without putting lives at risk. The identified advantages of using the approaches and fostering engagement make this learning process significantly more effective compared to conventional training.

For instance, medical learners may through an AR simulation perform percutaneous needle biopsies and catheterization. Another advantage is that they can strengthen the skill for working with objects, co-writing, and performing procedures without fear of making a mistake or having an accident.

Also, it reveals that the application of AR can greatly enrich the learning process by increasing Learner Engagement, Learner Intuition, and Learner Interaction. To extend x years of medical concepts, explaining those concepts by mean of visualization and use of transformation mainly in form of 3D makes retention easier.

3. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation and physical therapy are also extremely well suited for augmented reality. Augmented Reality applications in healthcare tentatively can bring best-in-class, interesting and highly absorptive rejuvenate programs to help patients to enhance the therapeutic benefits and compliance to therapy.

For instance, for the stroke patients AR can be used to augment the motor or sensory treatments, for the patients with mobility disorder, AR can be employed to provide treatments focused on specific muscle groups. AR can enhance the process of passing through the physical therapy program since patients will be interested in the process, and it will make them participate in the process in different ways.

4. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring

Covid-19 has changed the world and has highlighted the necessity of telemedicine or remote care. This kind of real time interactive 3D video consultations is promising to extend the current trend of remote patient monitoring and Tele-medicine even deeper.

Telemedicine platforms developed with the use of AR can attend to patients without visiting physical facilities, all this using AR. This is especially useful for patients under care due to the care they got always checked and taken care of all their chronic ailments.

Moreover, it is also an effective service that provides rich and informative consultations since AR can display patient-specific data in real-time as doctors make consultations, including vital signs, imaging studies, and laboratory tests. It helps them to make improved choices, diagnose health risks, and modify the therapies appropriately.

5. Mental Health Support

AR is also slowly making its way to mental health support providing an invader, accessible way of providing CBT. Using AR, possible application can allow the patient to gradually blow over fears, anxiety or phobias in a controlled access to that environment.

Further, depersonalized data can be used in mental health care by using AR for analyzing patient’s data and using the therapy method which will be created based on patient’s response and the progress achieved throughout the therapy process. This makes it easier to get patient involvement which fully guarantees that patients will adhere to the treatment regimens as prescribed and thereby fully enhances treatment results.


Something as simple as augmented reality proves to have immense benefits when it comes to healthcare systems. Its potential in changing the surgical preparation and operation, spatial positioning and control, medical teaching and learning, physiotherapy and recovery, tele-monitoring of patients and psychotherapy unveals its huge opportunities of the transformation of healthcare industry.

There are significant predictions that as the evolution for augmented reality strengthens it is set to become more central to healthcare. This paper then posits that with the help of Augmented Reality, healthcare practitioners will be able to provide enhanced, safer, and more individualised treatment, which will in turn, redefine the future of health care.

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